Holly Shelowitz a nutritional counselor at a farmers market

Holly Shelowitz

Holly Shelowitz is a Certified Nutrition Counselor, Aromatherapist and Culinary Educator. For the past 24 years, Holly has been inspiring people to slow down, prepare nourishing food, connect with themselves and engage their senses. Holly’s private consultations, nutrition and cooking classes, aromatherapy and herbal wisdom workshops have helped thousands of people to feel empowered and proactive about their health, and make positive changes in their lives.

Her holistic approach to nutrition meets you where you are on your health journey. There are many dietary theories and so much conflicting nutrition information and it can be confusing to know what is best for your well being. It's natural to feel perplexed as our bodies change.

With Holly's knowledge and gentle guidance, you will understand the messages your body is giving you, and learn how to truly nourish yourself- on the plate- and beyond the plate, in this season of your life.

Holly is a regular guest on Northeast Public Radio, and was the Northeast Regional Nutrition Educator for Whole Foods Market Global. Holly is a keynote speaker with corporations, educational institutions, and is on the faculty at Omega Institute. When she’s not with clients, you can find Holly walking or riding her bicycle on the glorious Hudson Valley Trails.

Visit www.nourishingwisdom.com to learn more about her offerings.